Call us at(833) 208-7770

Patient stories

Learn more about how our clinical team is helping our patients and their families. If you live in the state of Texas or Florida and would like to know if your child qualifies for our pediatrician-led, in-home care program, please call us day or night at (833) 208-7770.

Exemption card

Making Connections for Continuity of Care

Due to vaccine interactions with the child’s condition, Mom decided to hold off on vaccines. She had a Health Department exemption card to validate this but had trouble finding a PCP to provide care because of the lack of vaccinations. The child needed access to a PCP, specialist, dentist, and therapist.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team found a PCP who would accept the vaccine exemption and provide care and referrals to meet the child’s health care needs.

Our impact

Within a week of enrolling with Imagine Pediatrics, the child had a physical and hearing test with a new PCP, who also provided specialist referrals. The child received all the care she needed, and Mom found relief.


Partnering with PCP for level of care needed

During our Welcome Call, the caregiver reported patient having viral symptoms of fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Overnight symptoms worsened with continued vomiting and fever. Patient complained of lower right quadrant abdominal pain.

How we helped

Our intervention

Imagine Pediatrics provided education, medication dosing, and recommended extra fluids. Follow-up confirmed patient’s fever was controlled with Ibuprofen and Tylenol. Child appeared smiling and engaged during video visit. After completing video assessment, Imagine Pediatrics contacted PCP to confirm if patient could be seen first thing, but PCP was unable to accommodate. Imagine Pediatrics provider and PCP agreed to send patient to ED to rule out appendicitis. Patient was admitted; negative for appendicitis but in need of IV. PCP was then notified of the admission.

Our impact

By coordinating quickly and closely with the PCP, the child got the level of care he needed right when he needed it. The partnership between Imagine Pediatrics and the PCP practice strengthened around follow-up education.


Ensuring care and comfort

Two days after discharge from the NICU, Mom called Imagine Pediatrics to say her baby was irritable, and fluid was backing up in the g-tube. Mom was Spanish-speaking and needed help in her language.

How we helped

Our intervention

Imagine Pediatrics did a combined doctor/nurse visit. The team showed Mom how to vent the g-tube button. When reviewing the feeding plan, we learned she was almost out of ready-made formula. But she didn’t know how to mix the powder formula the right way. We walked her through that, and she mixed the formula on the call with us. Imagine Pediatrics followed up over the weekend. The entire visit — and all written follow-up — was in Spanish.

Our impact

With access to immediate care and support in her native language, Mom stabilized her child without a hospital visit — and was able to provide the food her child needed.


Avoiding unnecessary hospital visits

The child is in the care of his aunt, who called on a Saturday when fever and a croupy cough became a concern.

How we helped

Our intervention

Imagine Pediatrics held a video visit and found that there was no respiratory distress, but the croupy cough was significant. The team started the child on an oral steroid and Albuterol, and he felt better over the weekend.

Our impact

Prevented an unnecessary trip to the ER and coordinated a follow-up visit with the PCP on Monday.

Mother holding child

Providing a source of calm

Mom was upset with the g-tube functionality and the pain her child felt from it. But she was scared to remove the button.

How we helped

Our intervention

On a Saturday, the Imagine Pediatrics took all the time Mom needed to walk through tips on using, cleaning, and managing the g-tube.

Our impact

With g-tube functionality restored, Mom found significant relief. She was then able to focus on the care plan her son’s gastrointestinal team provided.

Offering coordination so mom can focus on care

Imagine Pediatrics is Mom’s first call when her son has fever or increased tracheal secretions. She also relies on the team for care coordination and scheduling.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team coordinates with the child’s pulmonary and complex care teams on his care plan, so Mom can focus on taking care of her son. We also place orders and provide specimen containers for tracheal aspirates.

Our impact

Mom finds immediate help and a little relief when her son has acute care needs. With Imagine Pediatrics coordinating his case, Mom can spend more time focusing on what matters most.

Patient in bed

Finding relief in more ways than one

Mom called Imagine Pediatrics to ask for help because her child’s gel mattress was broken and leaking gel. The leaking caused the material to harden, making the bed so uncomfortable that the patient could not sleep. As a result, Mom couldn’t sleep either.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team advocated for the patient directly to the durable medical equipment (DME) company. The DME company said numerous times they would not approve a replacement because mattresses were only covered once every 5 years through insurance – and it had not been 5 years yet. Imagine Pediatrics continued working with the DME company and completing paperwork with the family for nearly a month.

Our impact

The new mattress was finally approved and delivered to the family. The patient was much more comfortable and able to sleep. Mom, who also cared for other children, found rest and relief.

Tooth and a heart

Breaking through barriers to care with compassion

The patient had not had dental care in quite some time. Mom, a Spanish speaker, needed a referral. She was unaware of dental plans available under Medicaid and didn’t know where to begin looking.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Spanish-speaking Imagine Pediatrics team gave Mom the information she needed to select a dental plan of her choice. When she enrolled her child in a plan, Imagine Pediatrics found the closest dentist’s office that accepted that plan. They then gave her the information she needed to schedule an appointment for her child. The Imagine Pediatrics team continues to support the child and family, in their language.

Our impact

Within one week, the patient saw the dentist for two cleanings and wisdom teeth extractions. Now, Mom and patient have a team they can rely on for ongoing care and support.


Ensuring access to the essentials of care

The child needs electricity for his feeding pump and nebulizer. He cannot be in excessive heat due to his mitochondrial disorder. But the family’s power company was having rolling blackouts during a particularly hot day. Mom called Imagine Pediatrics for help.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team reached out to the power company. In 30 minutes, they put the power back on in the patient's home. And going forward, they will exclude the family’s house from rolling blackouts.

Our impact

The family avoided an emergency room visit, and they will no longer have to worry about power outages impacting the child’s care and comfort.

Virtual care

Avoiding emergency department visits

The child had increased trach secretions and fever. His outpatient care team did not have same-day availability, so their care plan called for an emergency room visit in cases like these. The boy’s caregiver came to Imagine Pediatrics for help.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team did a virtual visit with the caregiver and child. A trach aspirate sample was ordered, and treatment began.

Our impact

The child received the necessary care without going to the emergency room. And Mom didn’t have to miss work as a result.

Child in wheelchair

Finding resources that bring comfort

The child’s family had been buying incontinence supplies from the local Goodwill store. They relied on Goodwill to tell them when they would receive donations of excess diapers from the local senior facility.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team found a community resource that would order the right-sized diapers to be delivered to the family’s home.

Our impact

The family no longer needed to rely on diapers donated to Goodwill, which may or may not have been the child’s size. The patient was more comfortable, and the family found relief.


Care and comfort, right in the moment

Despite being on supplemental oxygen, the child was saturating in the mid-80s. In speaking with Mom, the Imagine Pediatrics team learned that she hadn’t given the child a breathing treatment for days because she couldn't find the nebulizer mask.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team worked with Mom for hours to find a mask. They then guided her on how to position the mask and give the Albuterol treatment, followed by hypertonic saline and cough assist.

Our impact

After the care was provided, the child was saturating at 96%.

Heart in hand

Making dreams come true for children and families

The patient’s family had several social needs, including high weekly parking costs for medical appointments. As the child’s condition worsened, it became clear his next heart surgery would need to be scheduled soon. But Mom didn’t want to celebrate her son’s upcoming birthday in the hospital.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics nurse submitted a referral to the social work team to help the family with their social needs. When Mom told the social work team of her dream to take her son to the Jurassic World Live Tour before his surgery, they got to work. The team submitted referrals to Make-a-Wish, Children’s Heart Foundation, Mended Little Hearts, and other organizations to fund the trip. Just when Mom expressed fear that her son wouldn’t make it to his birthday, the Imagine Pediatrics team told her that Heartfelt Dreams Foundation would pay for the trip.

Our impact

It was a dream come true for the child, who loved dinosaurs. And the Mom and family made memories with the boy that will stay with them for a lifetime.

Medication bottle

Medication help right when you need it

Mom initiated a virtual visit with Imagine Pediatrics for her child’s cough and fever. When reviewing meds, the team learned the patient needed a refill on her blood pressure medicine. Her cardiologist was out of town and unavailable to refill it.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team cared for the child during this acute visit and refilled the child’s blood pressure medication. The Imagine Pediatrics team updated the patient’s cardiology office.

Our impact

The child’s cardiologist was grateful that Imagine Pediatrics could refill the medication, ensuring seamless care for the patient. The cardiologist told Mom her child would have been in the hospital if Imagine Pediatrics hadn't intervened.

stethoscope with wifi signal

Care and relief without leaving home

During the Imagine Pediatrics Welcome Call with our doctor and nurse, the grandmother said she needed an appointment with the child's PCP for a rash she noticed the day before.

How we helped

Our intervention

Right in the moment, the Imagine Pediatrics team gathered more information about the child’s symptoms. The grandmother sent pictures of the rash through the Imagine Pediatrics app. The team determined right away that it was a heat rash, and they gave the grandmother guidance on home care.

Our impact

The child received care for the rash, and the grandmother had support, without ever leaving home. The child’s rash improved after a few days.

Network conntection

Finding resources for better health outcomes

During our Welcome Call, we found the family in extreme heat with no access to air conditioning. Given the child’s complex needs, including supplemental oxygen, this was a dire situation leading to poorer health outcomes.

How we helped

Our intervention

The Imagine Pediatrics team contacted several community organizations and found a donated air conditioning unit for the family.

Our impact

The care environment improved significantly. The child was able to breathe better, and her condition improved.


Avoiding costly and unnecessary visits to higher level care

The mother of an 8-year-old child called us with urgent concerns. Her daughter has a history of ADHD, autism, developmental delay, and recurrent urinary tract infections, at times requiring hospital admission for IV antibiotics. She had been vomiting and with fever for two days. Her mother also reported dark urine and pain while urinating.

How we helped

Our intervention

Our mobile team was dispatched to the patient's home and connected with an Imagine Pediatrics pediatrician via video to complete a medical visit. An in-home exam and urinalysis test was positive for a UTI. Our doctor was able to prescribe oral antibiotics, fluids, and medication for vomiting and fever, and the mobile team was able to administer these treatments. Our team left an additional supply of antibiotics with her mother and ordered the remaining medications vie home delivery pharmacy.

Our impact

Because medications were provided immediately, the child could begin healing right away and avoided a trip to the ER.

Coordinating specialty care

Our care team empowered a family to get started with the right cardiac specialist for their child with congenital heart disease.

How we helped

Our intervention

We enrolled a 5-year-old child with congenital heart disease in our program. One of our pediatric nurses learned about their detailed medical history and realized the family had been struggling with gaps in care.

Our impact

Our team was able to coordinate care with a cardiologist and provide ongoing visits with a pediatrician. We are able to chat with the child’s family whenever they have a concern, with a goal of avoiding future hospital visits.

Avoiding unnecessary hospital time

We supported the family of a 3-year old with a complex seizure disorder struggling with frequent ER visits to help them avoid unnecessary time in the hospital.

How we helped

Our intervention

A 3-year old child with a complex seizure disorder kept ending up in the ER with new symptoms. The family faced several barriers while trying to access the specialty neurology care their child needed.

Our impact

We enrolled the patient in our program, found the right in-network neurologist, got the referral the child needed, and we are now working with the family to provide top quality ongoing care. They are relieved to know that we’re advocating for them and are more confident that they’re getting the best possible care for their child.

Reducing gaps in care

A 5-year-old with congenital heart disease fell out of care with their PCP and cardiologist but needed to re-engage with the cardiologist due to new symptoms.

How we helped

Our intervention

Our team worked with the patient’s health plan to initiate a new referral to their cardiologist and re-engage the patient with their pediatrician.

Our impact

Despite a gap in care, the patient was able to restart their relationship with their preferred doctors with the support of our care coordination services.

Treating the child, right at home

A 5-year-old girl with a history of moderate persistent asthma and severe eczema experienced repeated hospitalization due to asthma exacerbation and eczema flares with secondary infections. With no regular PCP, her mom contacted us, concerned that her daughter’s new eczema flare seemed worse than usual.

How we helped

Our intervention

We provided an immediate virtual visit with the child and her mom, noting an infection in her eczema flare. Our provider prescribed a topical and oral antibiotic with additional steroid ointment to treat the flare and co-existing infection. We followed up with her mom that same evening and throughout the week to ensure the infection was clearing.

Our impact

The patient was able to access a pediatrician right away despite previous difficulty finding a PCP. Her infection cleared, and her mom received ongoing support for managing her daughter’s chronic conditions.

Accessing specialty care

A 3-year-old child with a genetic mutation and resulting seizure disorder experienced increased seizure frequency, leading to frequent ER visits. The child’s family was having difficulty finding and accessing a neurologist to treat the seizures.

How we helped

Our intervention

We engaged and enrolled the patient following the most recent ER visit and identified the lack of access to a neurologist. Our care team referred the patient’s family to a new in-network neurologist at an accessible distance from their home.

Our impact

The patient avoided an unnecessary ER visit and hospitalization and gained access to necessary specialty care.

Bringing peace of mind

A 12-year-old child with medulloblastoma, a growth hormone deficiency, adrenal insufficiency, and hypocortisolism completed chemotherapy and radiation in August 2019. Unsure whether to take her child to school or to urgent care, the child’s mom contacted us in the early morning. Her child had unrelenting headaches, dizziness, and nausea since starting growth hormones 6 days prior.

How we helped

Our intervention

In a video visit that same morning, our pediatrician helped determine that the new symptoms did not require emergency care. We connected with the child’s endocrinologist and, together, made a plan to pause hormone therapy and schedule an urgent follow-up endocrinology visit.

Our impact

Through collaboration between the right providers, the patient and their mother found peace of mind and an immediate plan for follow-up care with the right specialist in a medically complex situation.

Coordinating the follow-up

A 4-year-old boy with cerebral palsy and epilepsy was experiencing an increase in frequent breakthrough seizures above his typical baseline.

How we helped

Our intervention

Our nurse practitioner spoke with the child’s mom about his seizure rescue medication, walking her through how to use it as prescribed. We coordinated with the child’s neurologist to get an appointment for the following day to evaluate his current maintenance medication dosing.

Our impact

The patient avoided an ER visit and received a follow-up appointment with the child’s neurologist the day after his change in symptoms to manage his chronic seizure disorder.

Preventing ER visits

A 10-year-old child with holoprosencephaly who frequents the ER and urgent care clinic for steroid and/or antibiotic treatment needed a sick visit. Due to transportation difficulty, an ambulance is often needed. The patient’s mom called our team for help, hoping to avoid another ambulance ride and more time in the ER.

How we helped

Our intervention

We completed a virtual sick visit for the child right away and provided recommendations for at-home care with albuterol, vest, and inhaled steroid. We then completed a same day follow-up visit to confirm that the child was doing well and the treatment was effective.

Our impact

The patient was able to avoid an ambulance trip and an ER visit, contacting an Imagine Pediatrics provider before escalation was needed.

Keeping appointments

A 14-year-old child who was born at 29 weeks with global developmental delay, epilepsy, and cerebral palsy is now homebound. Their mom is an overwhelmed sole caregiver who was unable to take the child to an upcoming transfusion appointment.

How we helped

Our intervention

Our team arranged for transportation to the transfusion appointment. We also provided an emergency home medical kit with necessary supplies for the child, such as larger-sized diapers.

Our impact

Our patient kept an appointment critical to keeping their condition stable, and their mom was relieved to receive necessary home supplies without added care burden.

Access to critical feeding supplies

A 9-year-old child with congenital microcephaly is formula-fed via G-tube. The child’s mom had run out of specialty feeding formula and was having trouble finding and obtaining more.

How we helped

Our intervention

We quickly coordinated with a medical supply manufacturer to order formula supplies and have them delivered urgently to the patient’s home.

Our impact

The patient gained critical access to formula, preventing decompensation due to malnutrition.

Making needed referrals

A 9-year-old with congenital brain malformations resulting in significant developmental delay needed speech therapy, for which the mother needed a referral.

How we helped

Our intervention

We wrote the referral for a speech therapy evaluation and connected with a therapy provider to ensure the child could start therapy in a timely manner.

Our impact

Our patient was able to access additional care quickly with the support of the Imagine Pediatrics care team.

Improving medication access

A 20-month-old child with cerebral palsy (CP), who was a 24-week preemie in the NICU for more than a year, was out of necessary medication for muscle spasticity.

How we helped

Our intervention

We called the patient’s doctor at Texas Children’s and were able to send over an immediate order to be filled at TCH’s Specialty Pharmacy. The medication was ready within 4 hours, and we followed up to ensure that the patient received it.

Our impact

With our help, this child and their family got easier access to necessary medication and were able to stick to their medication plan.

Getting back to baseline

A 7-year-old child with moderate persistent asthma and recurrent exacerbations requiring ER visits needed help getting a doctor appointment. Her mom visited five urgent care clinics while her daughter was coughing and wheezing, but none accepted Medicaid. Her doctor did not have an appointment available.

How we helped

Our intervention

Our outreach associate asked if any of our pediatricians could see a patient for a combined onboarding and sick visit. An Imagine Pediatrics physician immediately got on the phone with the patient’s mom and held a virtual video visit, treating the child for an upper respiratory infection.

Our impact

The patient avoided an ER visit. A follow-up visit showed the child recovered from illness and is back to baseline with ongoing care from our team.

Wraparound care with immediate impact

A recently hospitalized 4-year-old child who is trach/vent-dependent and bed-bound with global developmental delay was in between PCPs following a transition out of a preemie clinic. The child was having seizures, and the family was struggling to navigate care while also facing an upcoming eviction from their home.

How we helped

Our intervention

We provided care encompassing social, medical, and emotional support. We educated the patient’s mom about her child’s medical equipment. And, to help provide him with care at home, we used our app for a video visit with his mom and Private Duty Nurse to help manage the increase in his breakthrough seizures. We also identified local resources to prevent eviction, including options for new, supportive housing and safe transportation to a new home.

Our impact

Our patient and their PDN were able to manage breakthrough seizures at home until the first appointment at a new high-risk clinic, preventing unnecessary hospital visits. The family also got access to critical housing resources.

Unlimited 24/7 access to your care team via messaging, phone call, or video visit using our mobile app.

phone with text message icon
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(833) 208-7770